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Create a Reseller account for Cloud Backup

Unlimited 30-day trials

All trials have 1TB of Microsoft Azure storage
Must be at least 8 characters, one number, use both upper and lower case letters, and a special character (!@#$%^&*).
BOBcloud encryption manual


Data security should be applied to every stage in the lifecycle of your data.
We encrypt your data chain end-to-end during backup, transfer, rest and restore. Even if someone were to capture your data packets during transfer, they wouldn’t be able to decrypt the data in your cloud storage.

GDPR is always paramount in our methodologies, which is why we never routinely capture personal data. We might capture it when you create an
email alert or an account name on our system. But where we do this, we
won’t use your data for anything other than sending you status alerts on
your backup sets and data.

BOBcloud encryption manual
Increase in revenue

Increase Profits (£250 credit)

If you are trying to decide on a new cloud storage partner, we can ease the transition with £250 credit when moving to us...


100% Reliability

Store unlimited revisions of your data to multiple locations both online and locally. You choose your own level of durability...

Customer support

7 Day Support

Our team is always on hand to provide quick 7-day-a-week support. Remote support and helping hands using TeamViewer or RDP...

What is Cloud Backup and how has it evolved?

Cloud Storage and Online Backup have many different names, including cloud backup system, backup services for business, cloud-based servers for small business, backups as a service, cloud backup services for business, cloud-based storage services, and server cloud backup solutions.

In the 20+ years we have been providing online backups, we have seen cloud backup move from simply protecting file servers to Exchange, SQL, and virtual environments. Now in 2020, most of the backups our partners create are cloud-2-cloud and protect online cloud systems such as O365 (Microsoft’s Office 365), Azure, AWS and Google cloud servers, and hundreds of other cloud-based applications and data systems worldwide.

Office 365 is probably the most popular type of backup we see created by our resellers each day.
The two main reasons for this are that Microsoft doesn’t provide any Office 365 backup tools on their platform so you can’t backup Office 365, and everyone is at risk of data loss or cybercrime and ransomware.

Having a suitable Office 365 backup & restore application is critical because a corporation’s life’ is contained within their mailboxes and that data needs to be protected with an offsite granular Office 365 aware backup application.

Our software will allow you to backup your O365 \ Office 365 online Exchange email, SharePoint, and OneDrive data to any other cloud storage service in any region or to a NAS in your own office via SFTP.

Why should Technology Resellers
Partner with BOBcloud?

You could buy your servers and SANs, add in some redundant hardware (failover switches and storage hardware), plug in some firewalls (live and failover) and at least a 1Gbps connection to your office. Don’t forget to evaluate cloud backup software and train your staff on a new cloud backup service. If you are a cloud backup or IT Reseller, there is another way.

Simple-to-install, backup and restore from

As an IT Reseller, you can use our managed service and never worry about your customers’ backups again; Ever! All you need to do is install our lightweight software applications on your servers, desktops, and NAS devices. Create your backup jobs, and that is it.
You will have access to more than one thousand pre-defined storage destinations worldwide which are embedded in our software. If you want to control your own storage, you can backup to your own hardware in your office or any other cloud storage provider.