Object Storage vs Block Storage: What’s the Difference?

Created by On October 12, 2023 |  Last Updated On March 30, 2024
Object storage big data

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You will usually find two main options when looking for a way to store your data in the cloud: object storage vs block storage. We will look at what makes object storage and block storage different. 

We will discuss their differences, strengths and weaknesses and when you might want to use each.

What is Object Storage?

Object storage is a method of handling data where every individual “object” stands as a separate entity with its metadata and exclusive identifier. This strategy significantly improves the processing and user-friendliness of data while eliminating the necessity for traditional file paths. 

Objects are locatable on local drives or cloud servers by utilising an Application Programming Interface (API). We have an in-depth article that explains what is object storage and compares the top five object storage providers.

What is Block Storage?

Block storage operates by storing data in fixed-sized chunks called ‘blocks.’ Each block represents a specific data segment and has a unique identifier stored in a data lookup table. When data retrieval is needed, the data lookup table guides the assembly of the required blocks, reconstructing them into their original form.

Renowned for its speed, block storage is the preferred choice for applications that regularly load data from the backend. It is widely used in corporate workloads and has various applications.

Object Storage vs Block Storage: Strengths and Weaknesses

Let’s look at the pros and cons of object storage and block storage to understand their utility:

Object Storage Pros:

  • Efficient Handling of Unstructured Data: Excels in managing large volumes of unstructured data, vital for applications like AI, ML, and big data analytics.
  • Cost-Efficient Consumption Model: Instead of upfront payments, you pay for what you use.
  • Limitless Scalability: Allows seamless addition of storage, even in large amounts (petabytes).
  • Metadata Utilisation: Storing metadata with objects facilitates quick data retrieval and adds value to stored data.
  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Enables robust search functionalities based on metadata, object contents, and other properties.

Object Storage Cons:

  • Lack of File Locking: Objects stored in the cloud are accessible to all users with relevant permissions.
  • Performance Lag: Requires more processing time than file storage and block storage.
  • Inability to Modify Portions: Inability to Modify Portions: Users cannot modify portions once they create an object.
  • Cannot map a drive letter: If you have an application that requires the data to be presented using drive letters, then object storage won’t work for you. Numerous third-party applications claim they can map object storage to a drive letter, but this isn’t a native connectivity method.

Block Storage Pros:

  • Faster Performance: The block storage feature ensures that data is accessed and processed quickly. It’s perfect for applications that require immediate response times and high data flow. Block storage, sometimes called storage block, is excellent for systems that need to access their data quickly.
  • Structured Data Support: Works seamlessly with transactional data and small files requiring frequent retrieval.
  • Partial Modification Capability: You can edit or update a single block without affecting the entire file.

Block Storage Cons:

  • Higher Cost: It demands more resources and maintenance, resulting in a higher cost per gigabyte than object storage. You will often need to buy a slab of storage up-front and pay for it in full, regardless of whether or not you use it. A good example of this is with Microsoft Azure disks.
  • Limited Scalability: Capacity expansion involves adding more disks or volumes, a potentially complex process.
  • Metadata Absence: Unlike object storage, it lacks information about the file or its contents.

Object Storage Vs Block Storage: Use Cases

Object and block storage’s suitability depends on data type, size, access frequency, performance requirements, and budget. Here are examples of use cases for each storage type:

Object Storage Use Cases

  • Backup and Archiving: Ideal for storing large, infrequently accessed or modified data.
  • Media Streaming: Can handle high volumes of media content for streaming purposes.
  • Data Analytics: Suitable for storing unstructured data for data analytics and insights.

Block Storage Use Cases

  • Database Hosting: Optimal for hosting databases requiring fast and consistent performance.
  • Virtual Machines: Provides the storage layer for virtual machines (VMs) on cloud servers.
  • File Systems: Can simulate a file system for storing and accessing files and folders.

Cloud Storage Strengths and Weaknesses

When considering cloud storage in general, here are some overarching strengths and weaknesses:

Cloud Storage Strengths

  • Scalability: Offers on-demand scalability based on business needs.
  • Accessibility: Provides anywhere, anytime access to data, promoting collaboration and remote work.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Pay-as-you-go models contribute to cost efficiency.

Cloud Storage Weaknesses

  • Security Concerns: Storing data on the cloud raises security considerations. For more information, check out this article: How Safe is Your Cloud Storage from Data Loss?
  • Downtime Risk: Reliance on internet connectivity can impact access to cloud-stored data.
  • Data Transfer Costs: Transferring large volumes of data can incur additional costs.


Object storage and block storage, as distinct cloud storage types, come with their characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases. Object storage excels in handling large amounts of unstructured data, while block storage shines in managing transactional data and frequently retrieved small files.

The choice between the two depends on your specific data needs and preferences within the broader context of cloud storage strengths and weaknesses.

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